In the midst of....

    And I am back... again with a little strange & abstract topic. In my last post I wrote one line: “In the midst of chaos, there is always an order.” Yes, this line is under my magnifying glass today ;-). In the midst of something, things start behaving abnormally & become opposite in nature. When a certain quality is excessive in a system, it actually loses its nature.

    For example in the midst of light there is darkness and in the midst of darkness, there is light; in the midst of heat, you will experience cold and in the midst of cold, heat is generated. Or in the midst of chaos, there is always an order and in the midst of order, there is always a chaos.

    Hmm… heavy? Difficult to understand? Let me give some simple examples.

    Have you ever found that more educated people are more stupid? Our general belief is that if a person is educated, then he should think practically, but NO, it is not so. More educated person becomes more stupid. And sometimes a less educated person starts his own branch in study, for example “Dhirubhaism” :-).
In the midst of pain, sometimes relief knocks and in the midst of all comforts a person starts looking at others’ pain. Take a case of Sudha Murthy. While she can have all comforts in the world, she chooses to wear simple sarees, that too only gifted by her friends and works day & night for needy and helps them. Truly admirable.

    Next case is of a gentle man image. There was a time when Tiger Woods was synonymous to Raymond… (a complete man ;-), sorry PJ has to be there, it is my blog :-P). and when his scandals got published, no one could even believe it. But that’s how it is. In extremes, things start behaving opposite in nature.

   As rightly said,
   अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्
   (Translation:- anything should be left before it’s too much.)

   It is always darkest before the dawn. It’s a natural phenomenon which explains that after one limit, things start acting in opposite manner. Coal gets converted to diamond. Star gets converted to Black hole. Real is stranger than fiction and fiction is always more logical. We destroy things we love the most and we forgive our enemies. In the midst of thoughts we become absent-minded and while sitting quietly with a cup of coffee mind gets flooded with thoughts :-).

    In the midst of happiness, tears roll out (in normal terms we know it as “Khusi ke anshu”). And in the midst of sadness, we laugh. It is again strange that people consider it as a case of madness. But that’s how it is, in the midst of such normal phenomenon, such abnormal believes also exist. :-)

© Bridge Soul 


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